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General / FAQ

Forecasting FAQ
Questions: [Why was the forecast wrong?](#fail) [Why is the top range of my fore... more
Marketplace Quality
MARKETPLACE QUALITY The Trade Desk Marketplace Admatx is constructed on t... more
Targeting and Optimization FAQ
Questions: Where did this targeting come from? (#koa) Is there anywhere else t... more
Platform Hierarchy and Navigation
HIERARCHY & NAVIGATION Hierarchy Navigation Top Navigation: The ... more
Creative Specs
CREATIVE SPECS Best Practices Test different creatives Test two or three ... more
GLOSSARY Admatx Glossary This glossary contains common dimensions, metric... more
Sensitive Category Delivery
SENSITIVE CATEGORY GUIDE This guide outlines the restrictions and guidelines ... more
TOCs and Billing FAQ
Questions: What billing models does Admatx Support? (#Billing Model) What are ... more
Creative FAQs
Questions: How long does creative audit take? (#audit time) What are common cr... more
Conversion FAQ
If your campaign doesn't have a conversion based KPI will it still track convers... more
See Also: CTV Guide (https://support.admatx.com/370883-CTV-Guide) Questions: H... more