This guide outlines the restrictions and guidelines for running ads for sensitive categories in Admatx.
All Restricted Products and Services
Restricted Products and Services
Advertising should comply with applicable laws and regulations.
The following products and services are restricted and approval is required before running ads.
- Abortion: No ads related to abortion that use violent language or gruesome imagery. Abortion-related services are allowed, depending on the country.
- Alcohol: Allow in limited circumstances
- “Anti” and violence: Admatx does not allow the promotion of "anti" or violent concepts, such as the following:
- Ad text advocating against an organization, person, or group of people.
- Ads and associated websites advocating against a protected group. A protected group is distinguished by one of the following: race or ethnic origin, color, national origin, religion, disability, sex, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
- Ads or targeting strategies that discriminate, disadvantage or encourage discriminatory activity against people or groups of people on the basis of any personal attributes, including, but not limited to, race or ethnic origin, color, nationality, religion, disability, sex, age, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity.
- Attempts to revise history against the interests of a protected group.
- The promotion of self-harm and violence against people or animals.
- Any ads that link to Scientology content must clearly indicate that the website is related to the Church of Scientology. For example, the ads should refer to "Scientology," "Ron Hubbard," or "Dianetics."
- Casinos and Gambling: Content that falls under one of the listed categories is allowed, in limited circumstances: Approval is required
- Online gambling content
- Gambling-related products
- Brick-and-mortar casinos
- Contests, sweepstakes, and raffles
- Sale of physical scratch cards
- National or state lotteries
- Fantasy sports contests
- Physical gambling equipment
- CBD: Content promoting products containing cannabidiol (CBD) is permitted, but no health claims for the product can be made. *See Below
- Cryptocurrency: The promotion or advertising of cryptocurrency or cryptocurrency-related products is allowed in limited circumstances. *See Below
- Financial services: All advertisers, advertising products, and services related to financial services must do the following:
- Operate in compliance with state and local regulations (for example, include specific disclosures required by local law).
- Disclose associated fees.
- Include links to third-party accreditation/endorsements where affiliation is implied, particularly when it serves to improve the reputation of the site. Examples include (but are not limited to) verification of government affiliation and third-party ratings.
- Provide legitimate physical contact information for the business being promoted.
- Firearm safety and education: Allowed, but no gun or weapon imagery is allowed in the creatives.
- Political advertising: Allowed with guidelines *See Below
- Tobacco *See Below
The following products and services are not allowed on Admatx
- Endangered species: Promotion of products obtained from endangered or threatened species.
- Fake documents: Fake documents such as fake IDs, fake passports, and fake invoices.
- Fireworks: Fireworks and pyrotechnic devices.
- Illegal drugs: Illegal drugs, legal or synthetic highs, herbal drugs, chemicals and compounds with psychoactive effects, drug paraphernalia, or aids to pass drug tests (this includes marijuana).
- Illegal hacking: Ads or websites that promote hacking by providing instructions or equipment to illegally access or tamper with software, servers, cell phones, or websites.
- Illegal products and services: Illegal products and services.
- Sexually-explicit content: Graphic depictions of sexual acts, content with underage or non-consensual sexual themes (including child sexual abuse content), or services that may be interpreted as providing sexual acts in exchange for compensation.
- Solicitation of funds:Solicitation of funds (donations) unless they are for tax-exempt organizations.
Banned Creatives
Creatives and landing pages featuring the following content may not run on Admatx
- Unbranded ads.
- Pornographic or highly suggestive content or images, nudity or suggestive content or images.
- Promoting adult products, including sex toys and sexual enhancers.
- Promoting adult-themed dating, escort services, “mail-order brides,” or similar services.
- Sales of weapons or ammunition.
- Peer-to-peer file sharing, torrents, or anything that facilitates or promotes copyright infringement.
- Incitements to, threats of, advocacy for, or calls for acts of violence against any individual or group.
- Extreme violence or incitement of hatred of any race, religion, creed, class, or ethnic group or of any individual or group.
- Hate content, including sites that advocate the superiority of a specific race or ethnic group.
- Promotion of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia (including marijuana).
- Promotion of black-hat hacking, cracking, or warez.
- Any other content that is illegal, promotes illicit or harmful activity, or infringes on the rights of others. This includes sites that provide “how-to” information on bomb-making, lock-picking, and similar topics.
- Defamatory or libelous content.
- Distribution of viruses, malware install spyware, trojans, viruses, or other malware.
- Graphic or gratuitous depiction or glorification of pain, torture, or violence against humans or animals.
- Descriptions, depictions, or glorification of pain, suffering, torture, violence, or death of or against humans or animals.
- Sales or promotion of firearms, ammunition, bombs or other weapons, or related design materials.
- Automatic redirections of the user to a new page or app; pop-ups on a webpage upon banner open or upon page exit.
- Anything misleading or containing content that is not reflective of what the user finds on the clickthrough URL.
- Your ads and keywords must directly relate to the content on the landing page for your ad.
- Your ads cannot simulate email inbox notifications.
- Your ads may not resemble Windows, Unix, or Mac dialog boxes.
- Ads may not contain fake hyperlinks.
- Ads may not include misleading content.
- Brand in platform creative preview must match the brand being served upon impression
- All advertising claims must be factually supportable.
- All discounts and offers must be up-to-date and match the content on your website.
- All advertised products, prices, offers, and discounts must be available on your site within two clicks away from your landing page (at most) or through a basic site search.
- Users must be able to perform the ad's call-to-action (if any) on the site within two clicks of the landing page.
- Any pricing information in ads must comply with local regulations around the inclusion of tax and other applicable charges.
- Ads may not advertise competitive content.
Prohibited Ads
Advertising should be safe for all users. The following are prohibited:
- Phishing: "Phishing" is an attempt to obtain users' personal information by disguising a website to look like another website.
- Sale of free Items and official services: Sale of items or services that are otherwise available for free is prohibited. We also do not allow the sale of government forms or services that are available for free or for a lower price on the official or government site.
- Malware: Malware, short for "malicious software," refers to any software specifically designed to harm a computer or the software it is running. Malware can steal sensitive information (like credit card numbers or passwords) or even send fake emails from a user's email account, often without the user's knowledge. Malware includes viruses, worms, spyware, and Trojan horses.
- Compromised user safety: Ads cannot make misleading claims ("get rich quick," for example) and must display relevant disclaimers or other information required by law.
- Spam techniques: Ad spam techniques (exploiting online advertising systems like AdWords for financial gain), affiliate spam techniques (conducting affiliate campaigns on AdWords in violation of the applicable affiliate program rules), and bulk marketing techniques (distributing spam to large audiences) are not allowed.
- Ads must not simulate fake interactivity or initiate downloads.
- Advertising should not disrupt content consumption or intrude into the content. The following guidelines identify disruptive ad experiences that must not be used.
- Pop-up ads: These are ads that cover or overlay the content or obstruct users from viewing the content. It Includes all ads that pop up on the user’s screen and cover the content as well as ads that "float in," "slide in," or "fly in" to the screen, and obstruct the full view or partial view of the screen’s primary content. This also includes any ads that automatically take the user to an interstitial or overlay ad without user initiation or user action to navigate content.
- Auto-expansion: Ads that expand from their original size to a bigger size without user initiation must not be used. Expansion while scrolling is allowed.
- Hover or rollover expansion: For the purpose of ad expansion, hover must not be considered a substitute for a click. On hover, no ad function that changes the form or size of the ad from its original size—for example, expansion—is allowed.
- Sideways ad expansion that overlays content: No directional or sideways expansion of an ad is allowed. All ads must expand to cover the full screen. If the expanded creative size is not full screen, it must be placed in the center of the screen.
- Auto-play video with audio: Auto-play defines automatic initiation of media by the ad. These ads auto-play audio on desktop and mobile devices. Video play is defined as the execution of specific files (for example, .mp4s) that are used to play video. Audio is allowed to auto-play only under specific conditions.
- Forced countdown: Forced countdowns to dismiss or skip ads (either interstitials or an expanded part of the ad) must not be used. The user should immediately have the option to "Close" or "Dismiss" the ad from the beginning of the ad experience.
- Pages with high ad density: Pages that have ads covering more than 30% of pixels are considered high ad density pages. Pages should have less than 30% ad density. An ad may sometimes have more than 30% of pixels in the user’s viewport, but not more than 30% of pixels on the page. Such ads are allowed under the following guidance:
- An ad is allowed to occupy more than 30% of the viewport at a time (for example, a 1:1 ad on a mobile phone), but the combined ads on the overall page (as the user scrolls down) must not have more than 30% of pixels.
- If an ad has more than 30% ad density of the viewport where it is to be shown, it must start with partial viewability (no more than 30% of height screen) on screen and gain full viewability as the user scrolls through the page.
- Scroll-over or scrolling overlay: These are ads that appear while scrolling and auto-expand to cover the content or screen, ads that do not expand inline but overlay the content, or ads that expand against the user's scrolling direction.
- Flashing animation: Flashing animation has content with one or more of the following: high contrast colors, very bright colors, or fast-moving images or content.
- Audio: Ads may not contain audio, except for user-initiated rich media ads, pre/post/mid-roll video, and audio channel ads conforming to our audio creative specifications.
Approval Process
Email to obtain approval for any sensitive category targeting.
Include the brand, brand URL, and a copy of the raw creative asset(s)
Additional information may be requested.
All Political Advertising
- Admatx does not allow advertising for political candidates or parties where it is prohibited by law.
- Political advertisers must comply with all applicable local, state, and national laws, rules, and regulations, including communications, campaign finance, “silence periods,” and any other election-related regulations.
- Admatx through The Trade Desk follows self-regulatory guidelines of industry organizations such as the DAA and expects advertisers to uphold these standards.
- Political advertising campaigns must adhere to all other portions of Admatx Ad Content Guidelines including our policies related to violence and derogation, accuracy in ads, and anti- solicitation of funds.
- Political advertising campaigns must be categorized as “Law, Gov't and Politics” in the “Industry Category” field (or any such successor category field) on the Platform with an accurate industry subcategory, if applicable.
US Political Advertising
- Admatx does not allow political advertising for state or local ballot measures and candidates in the State of Washington.
- Political advertisers may use only data segments comprised solely of users residing in the US.
- Clients running political advertising campaigns must agree to US Political Advertising terms and conditions as signed when the advertiser is created in Admatx.
Verification, including the entity paying for the ad is required. Advertisers must provide the following information:
- For US federal elections, a valid Federal Election Commission ID (FEC ID).
- For US state or local elections, a valid Employer Identification Number (EIN).
- The advertiser’s address, which must match the address used in the FEC submission.
- Admatx prohibits microtargeting for political advertising. Specifically, the size of an advertiser’s final audience, after applying all targeting qualifiers and refinements, must be larger than 5,000 targeted users for all elections.
- Admatx prohibits the use of Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO), a tactic where an ad creative is customized based on data available at the time of ad serving, or similar creative swapping techniques, for political advertising campaigns.
- Our inventory partners may have discretion regarding what ads run on their sites, apps, and channels.
- Third-party ad serving may be restricted - please contact support if you are utilizing a third party ad server
- Advertisers are responsible for including a “Paid for by” disclosure directly in all political ads, regardless of the ad format, along with any other disclosures required by law.
- Admatx through The Trade Desk follows the self-regulatory guidelines of the DAA, including its Self-Regulatory Principles for Political Advertising. The Trade Desk facilitates the ability to place the DAA’s political icon on candidate political advertising creatives. This icon links to a disclosure page where the following information will be made available for public viewing:
- Name of the paying entity (the advertiser).
- Advertiser contact information.
- Name of the executive designated by the advertiser.
- Link to the DAA website page with access to state government and FEC databases.
- Any other information required by applicable federal or state law to be included in a disclaimer notice.
- Admatx through The Trade Desk will also include links to fact-checking organizations on the disclosure page to give users the opportunity to research any claims made in the ad.
Political advertising often involves the advocacy of one point-of-view, or policy position, over another. Candidates frequently produce ads that express disdain of or disagreement with the opponent’s policies or opinions. In doing so, those ads may include violent images or videos in an effort to make a point to voters about important issues like policy, public safety, or change. While such heated debates and imagery are part of an open democracy, ads that include the below are prohibited::
- Incite, threaten, advocate, or call for acts of violence.
- Promote or glorify acts of violence.
- Advocate or claim that people from a specific race, ethnicity, nationality, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or immigration origin are a threat to the physical safety or health of others.
Voter Suppression
Ads that are aimed primarily at suppressing voters or voting activity, or delegitimizing the election process are prohibited
Election Language
Admatx does not allow any ad content that questions the legitimacy of an ongoing US election, nor does it allow declaration of premature victory when results are contested.
Where allowed post approval, clients must follow the restrictions listed.
- Clients are responsible for complying with all local and regional laws, regulations, and self-regulatory restrictions.
- Clients must comply with country-specific restrictions.
- Clients must comply with all inventory provider guidelines.
- Ads must not target users under the age of 18 or the age legally allowable in a country, whichever is older.
- Ads must not target pregnant women.
- All advertising campaigns must adhere to any additional targeting policies set by SSP partners and/or publishers.
Ad Creatives Tobacco
Ad creatives and corresponding landing pages for campaigns in this category must:
- Not make claims about the product’s nutritional, cosmetic, health, social or therapeutic benefits.
- Not appeal to a young audience, including the use of cartoon characters, celebrities, and youth role models.
- Not depict imagery of people smoking.
- Not depict pregnant women or minors as models.
- Not include information to trigger product sales like offers, discounts, gifts, lucky draws, and so on.
- Include all necessary and applicable health warnings.
Ads must include all necessary disclaimers, including any necessary health warnings or age-related disclaimers indicating that such products are only to be used above the legal usage age (for instance, clearly showing an "18+" disclaimer, where required).
These restrictions do not apply to smoking-cessation or smoking-harm awareness campaigns
Admatx follows the legal and self-regulatory guidelines that prevail in each country. In addition to what is set forth below, advertising for cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD) in countries where they are legally prohibited is prohibited in Adamtx. Clients running related campaigns must adhere to the guidelines below.
- Any advertising for the sale, use or promotion of cannabis products or
- related paraphernalia is strictly prohibited on TTD’s platform in all
- jurisdictions.
- Clients must not create cannabis-related segments or target users
- based on cannabis-related interests.
- Clients are responsible for complying with all country, regional and local
- laws, regulations, and self-regulatory restrictions.
- All advertising campaigns (including any content, targeting or other
- strategies employed) must adhere to any additional restrictions set up by
- Supply Side Platform (SSP) partners and publishers.
- PSA and public safety campaigns regarding cannabis usage are permitted.
- Clients may only run ads for CBD products that are legal in the countries/states in which such ads are being run and where such products are being sold
- Clients must not create CBD-related segments or target users based on CBD related segments in countries where it is legally prohibited. In the U.S., CBD segments must not include users in Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, or Virginia, or any other state where CBD is not legally permitted to be sold.
- Clients are responsible for complying with all country, regional and local laws, regulations, and self-regulatory restrictions.
- Any medical products containing CBD are subject to the applicable regional health policies as well.
- All advertising campaigns (including any content, targeting or other strategies employed) must adhere to any additional restrictions set up by Supply Side
- CBD ads must not specifically or knowingly target users under the age of 18. If a country has a higher age requirements, campaigns must adhere to the country’s applicable minimums.
- The size of the final target audience, after applying all the targeting qualifiers and refinements, must be larger than 5,000 ID’s.
- Targeting (contextual, first-party, third-party or otherwise) any interests, segments, keywords, sites, or other content that deals with mental health, substance abuse, or other addictions is prohibited.
- CBD ad creatives and landing pages must not:
- Feature marijuana plants, symbols or imagery
- Feature cannabis paraphernalia or accessories (blunts, grinders,
- pipes, papers, vapes, etc.)
- Offer sale of marijuana (for humans or animals) Refer to marijuana, THC, or cannabis. (Note: references to cannabidiol are acceptable)
- Contain or refer to CBD flower, CBD vapes, Delta-8 CBD/THC (or other Delta variants)
- Contain any suggestion of mind-altering effects
- Promote any health benefits on the landing page, advertiser website, or associated creatives
- Contain any misleading or unsubstantiated physical or mental health
- claims.
- Contain any implied or indirect claims about the product
- Contain any products for sale that would be illegal in the jurisdiction in which such ads are being targeted or such products are being sold to.
- CBD and its products must be derived from hemp, containing no more than the legally allowable THC amount for such country. For example, in the U.S., such products cannot contain more than 0.3% THC. In Italy and Spain, CBD products cannot contain more than 0.2% THC while Switzerland, Czech Republic and Mexico permit CBD products containing up to 1.0% THC. In Belgium, CBD products may legally contain up to 2.0% THC.
Operational Guide for CBD Campaigns
- CBD advertisers must be clearly categorized during Advertiser account set up as “Herbs for Health”
- Geo and age targets (reflecting the legal age in a given country) must be in place for all CBD campaigns.
- Look-alike models are permitted for CBD advertisers with the additional requirement that an age layer is added that is 18+ or applicable age limit as required by local regulations.
- Custom Audiences
- Must only be created off of sites/keywords that are provided or selected by the client.
- The client should verify that the site/keyword lists are compliant and/or compliant with all local laws and regulations, as applicable
- Any custom audience created for CBD should include a demo layering of 18+ or applicable age limit as required by local regulations.
- Custom audiences must not be created off of keywords or sites that are predominantly directed at minors
- Custom audiences must not be created off of keywords or sites that are targeted to sensitive groups such as people suffering from addictions or people with mental illnesses.
- Custom audiences must not be created off of keywords or sites that are health condition related.
- Clients must not create CBD-related segments or target users based on CBD related segments in countries where it is legally prohibited. In the U.S., CBD segments must not include users in Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, or Virginia.
- Microtargeting
- Given the habit-forming potential of the product, microtargeting to small groups of people is prohibited
- The size of the final audience, after applying all targeting refinements, must be larger than 5,000 IDs.
- Legal frameworks around CBD are constantly being assessed and can change frequently. CBD related products are a regulated industry and factors such as risk, legal enforcement and cultural acceptance vary greatly by country and region.
Admatx follows the legal and self-regulatory guidelines that prevail in each country. In addition to what is set forth below, Admatx prohibits advertising for cryptocurrency in countries where they are legally prohibited. Clients running related campaigns must adhere to the guidelines below.
- Cryptocurrency ads must be shown only to users located in countries where such ads are legally allowed.
- Clients must not create cryptocurrency -related segments or target users based on cryptocurrency related segments in countries where it is legally prohibited.
- In addition to anything set forth herein, clients are responsible for complying with all country, regional and local laws, regulations, and self-regulatory restrictions.
- Cryptocurrency ads must also comply with Admatx policies concerning financial products.
- Cryptocurrency ads must not misrepresent, mislead or otherwise deceive consumers with respect to their products, product functionality, or the financial risks associated with their products.
- All advertising campaigns (including any content, targeting or other strategies employed) must adhere to any additional restrictions set up by Supply Side Platform (SSP) partners and publishers.
- Clients must follow the country’s regulations and applicable self-regulatory frameworks pertaining to target audience compositions and acceptable advertising inventory sources.
- The size of the final target audience, after applying all the targeting qualifiers and refinements, must be larger than 5,000 ID’s.
- Targeting (contextual, first-party, third-party or otherwise) any interests, segments, keywords, sites, or other content that deals with mental health, substance abuse, or other addictions is prohibited.
- 1P data and 3P data usage is permitted as long as it follows the guidelines in
- this policy.
- Data providers must not provide any cryptocurrency related segments that include users from any countries where it is legally prohibited from serving such advertising.
- Creatives for new token sales, ICOs (initial coin offerings) and IEOs (initial Creative exchange offering) as well as creatives promoting investment aggregators (enabling the monetization, reselling, swapping or staking of cryptocurrencies) are strictly prohibited.
- Subject to local laws, cryptocurrency products and services, such as the following, may advertised:
- Cryptocurrency conferences
- Cryptocurrency hardware (e.g., mining equipment)
- Cryptocurrency news
- Physical kiosks for purchasing bitcoin
- Tax services
- Ads promoting (a) platforms, software apps or products known as cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms or (b) "wallet" services that allow users to buy, sell, swap or stake their cryptocurrency tokens are restricted to countries where they have the necessary certifications and/or licensing with the regional financial authority to run.
- NFTs and NFT-related games that are otherwise not related to an ICO (or other token/equity offering) are permitted and fall outside of the scope of this policy provided that they remain subject to any other TTD policies including, but not limited to TTD’s gambling policy.
Operational Guide for Crypto/NFTs
- Ads, landing pages and related web sites for cryptocurrency exchanges, or for other services involving cryptocurrency, must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, guidance, rulings and licensing/registration requirements in all applicable jurisdictions.
- Ads and landing pages may not make exaggerated or unrealistic claims.
- Ads and landing pages may not promote use of cryptocurrency for illegal purposes, such as avoiding taxes, or for any use that would otherwise violate TTD’s policies.
- Cryptocurrency advertisers must be clearly categorized during Advertiser account set up.
- Each cryptocurrency campaign must provide licensing information that is reviewed and confirmed by
- Geo and age rails (18+) must be in place for all cryptocurrency campaigns.
- Email to have supply vendors blocked that do not accept Crypto ads.
- LAL models are permitted for cryptocurrency advertisers with the additional requirement that an age layer is added that is 18+ or such higher applicable age limit if required by local regulations.
- Custom Audiences
- Must only be created off of sites/keywords that are provided or selected by the client.
- The client should verify that the site/keyword lists are compliant and/or compliant with all local laws and regulations, as applicable
- Any custom audience created for cryptocurrency should include a demo layering of 18+
- Custom audiences must not be created off of keywords or sites that are predominantly directed at minors
- Custom audiences must not be created off of keywords or sites that are targeted to sensitive groups such as people suffering from addictions or people with mental illnesses.
- Clients must not create cryptocurrency-related segments or target users based on cryptocurrency related segments in countries where it is legally prohibited.
- The size of the final audience, after applying all targeting refinements, must be larger than 5,000 IDs.
- Legal frameworks around cryptocurrency are constantly being assessed and can change frequently. Other considerations are the fact that cryptocurrency related products are a regulated industry and factors such as risk, legal enforcement and cultural acceptance vary greatly by country and region.
Country License Requirement:
Admatx through TTD requires advertisers seeking to serve cryptocurrency ads to have obtained and produce one of the licenses listed below or otherwise be listed on a major stock exchange (e.g., NYSE). If an advertiser is not able to produce one of the licenses listed below and is not otherwise listed on a major stock exchange, then such advertiser must provide a license/operating authorization from the governing authority in the jurisdiction in which it wishes to serve cryptocurrency ads. If an advertiser produces one of the licenses listed below, it will not need to produce licenses for all of the other jurisdictions in which it intends to run, provided that advertiser will still be under the obligation to have all necessary licenses and to comply with all applicable local laws.
- Australia:
- AUSTRAC Registration, Issuer: Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)
- Australian Financial Services License / Australian Markets License, Issuer: Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
- Canada:
- Registration as a Money Service Business, Issuer: The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)
- France:
- AMF Digital Asset Service Provider registration or license, Issuer: Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
- Germany:
- BaFin authorisation, Issuer: Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
- Hong Kong:
- License from, or registration with, the SFC for Type 1, 7 and 9 regulated activities, Issuer: Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)
- Indonesia:
- Indonesia Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory (BAPPEBTI) approval, Issuer: Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (BAPPEBTI)
- Japan:
- Crypto-Asset Exchange Service Provider Registration, Issuer: Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA)
- Malaysia:
- Recognized Market Operators (RMOs) status, Issuer: The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC)
- Netherlands:
- Dutch Central Bank (DCB) registration, Issuer: Dutch Central Bank (DCB)
- Norway:
- Registration with the Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet), Issuer: Finanstilsynet
- Philippines:
- Certificate of Authority (COA) to operate as a virtual asset service provider (VASP), Issuer: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)
- Singapore:
- Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) license under the Payment Services Act for digital payment token (DPT) service, Issuer: Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
- South Korea:
- Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) report (which can only be obtained upon obtention of ISMS certification), Issuer: Korea Financial Intelligence Unit (KoFIU) / Financial Services Commission (FSC)
- Sweden:
- Registration with the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA), Issuer: Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA)
- Thailand:
- Digital Asset Business license, Issuer: The Thai Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- United Arab Emirates:
- License to engage in arranging, advising, dealing, managing or other relevant financial services and/or operating an exchange and/or provide money services – each in relation to crypto assets, Issuer: Abu Dhabi Global Market, Financial Services Regulatory Authority
- License to operate a Stored Value Facility (that includes virtual assets), Issuer: United Arab Emirates Onshore, Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates
- License to engage in Investment Business / operating an Exchange – specific to Investment Tokens, Issuer: Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai Financial Services Authority
- United Kingdom:
- Financial Conduct Authority Authorisation, Issuer: Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
- USA:
- FinCEN MSB registration, Issuer: Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, (FinCEN), BitLicense, Issuer: Department of Financial Services, New York state (NYSDFS)