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New and Upcoming

Look here to find out the latest on what is new and what is upcoming in Admatx

Whats New:

Creative Variants (See bottom of page)
Targeting and Optimization FAQ
Additional Information and troubleshooting for HTML5 creatives
Set Default Homepage (throughout navigation)
UI Feedback/Feature Requester



Bulk Geo Targeting
Bid Guide / Fee Calculator
Geo Targeting Bug Fix - Bug causing campaign creation to fail due to the inclusion of the default US geo targeting 


Let us know what you would like to see next! Email support@admatx.com


Previously Added:


Cloning a Tactic

Weather Targeting

Temperature Targeting


Scheduled Reporting

DCM Click Tag FAQ




UI Feedback/Feature Requester

Do you have UI feedback, feature requests or platform recommendations? You can now submit these directly from the platform by clicking on the orange lightbulb icon at the bottom of the screen. Submitting this form will tell our support team the page you were on as well as your agency and user for follow up.