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Upload an HTML5 Creative

For additional information about HTML5 specs see the creative specs article

See below for additional information regarding packing an HTML5 creative and click tag parameters


Packaging options for HTML5 creatives:

Single HTML file (max 200 KB)
Root/main HTML file with supporting images
Root/main HTML file with supporting images, JS, and CSS files

When using compressed (ZIP) files:

All necessary files (except JS and CSS libraries) should be included
Primary HTML file should be in the root of the ZIP file.
ZIP files should contain no more than 100 files.
Allowed file types: HTML, JS, CSS, MP4, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and SVG.


Click Tag: The click tag is a parameter used in HTML5 banner ads and specifies the destination URL. It is included as a variable in the primary HTML file as a URL parameter. Important information on click tag parameters:

Customize the URL parameter name.
Click tag names are case-sensitive.
The creative must open the click tag page in a new window.
Backup clickthrough URL can be used as the default URL.
Use JavaScript to read and implement the clickthrough URL.
Multiple click-through URLs can be used for different actions.

Click Tag Parameter Example: