Admatx Report Types
Performance Tables: The performance tables within Admatx provide a snapshot of the pace and performance of your advertisers, campaigns and tactics.
Summary Charts: The summary charts within Admatx provide a month to date snapshot of the pace and performance of your advertiser and campaigns.
Instant Reports: A condensed report that acts as a quick snapshot of campaign performance.
My Reports: A collection of report templates designed to help you better understand and improve the effectiveness of your campaigns to get the results you want. These reports are emailed to the email recipient(s). Multiple recipients can be entered by comma separated email addresses.
Performance Tables
The performance tables provide a snapshot of the pace and performance of your advertisers, campaigns and tactics.
Timeliness: Total campaign flight delivery is hourly. Current campaign flight data is through previous day UTC
Advertiser Level: The advertiser level performance table includes pace and performance information for each campaign and each tactic under the campaigns. This can be viewed for the current campaign flight or the campaign total. The campaigns and tactics can also be enabled/disabled and budgets can be updated directly from these tables.
Viewing Tactics: The default table settings show campaign total details, clicking the dropdown on the far left end of the advertiser table will expand the table to the tactic level.
Yesterday Spend: How much delivered for the campaign or tactic yesterday UTC.
Daily Needed Spend: How much spend is needed a day to deliver in full through the end of the campaign flight if delivering even budget daily.
Campaign Level: The campaign level performance table includes pace and performance information for each tactic under the given campaign. This can be viewed for the current campaign flight or the campaign total. The campaigns and tactics can also be enabled/disabled and budgets can be updated directly from these tables.
Status: The status toggle shows the current status of the campaign and/or tactic.
Enabling or Disabling: To enable or disable a campaign or tactic click the status toggle next to the desired record. Enabling or Disabling the campaign level will automatically enable or disable all tactics below the campaign respectively.
% Total Budget Spend: This indicator shows a percentage out of 100% of the total campaign or tactic budget spent for the current campaign flight.
Flight Budget: The flight budget shows the budget for the campaign in the advertiser currency for both the campaign and tactic levels. This also shows the current pace type. The default table setting shows current campaign flight delivery and performance.
Viewing Campaign to Date: To view the campaign to date details for both the campaign and tactic levels, click the drop down icon on the far right end of the table.
Editing Campaign Flight Budgets and Bids: Clicking the text “(Current Flight)” will open a popup to enable editing the budgets and pacing type for the current campaign flight at both the campaign and tactic levels. At the tactic level this will allow editing the campaign bids as well.
Days Remaining: The total number of days remaining in the current campaign flight including today.
Summary Charts
The summary charts within Admatx provide a month to date snapshot of the pace and performance of your advertiser and campaigns.
Timeliness: Hourly
Advertiser Level: The advertiser level summary chart shows a snapshot of the month to date performance and delivery across all campaigns within the advertiser.
Summary: The advertiser level summary chart contains a roll up of the advertiser spend, CTR and CPA MTD.
Campaign Level: The campaign summary chart shows a snapshot of the month to date performance and delivery across all tactics within the campaign.
Summary: The campaign level summary chart contains a summary of the campaign details including name, status, current flight dates, current flight budget, and the performance of the primary KPI selected in the campaign setup. Additionally the summary rolls up current campaign flight total delivery and performance stats.
Grains: Date (MTD)
Measures: Spend, Impressions, Clicks, Total Cost, Total Custom CPA Conversions, Completed Views, Viewable Impressions, Measurable Impressions
Metrics: CTR, CPC, CPM, CPA, VCR, Viewability
Instant Report
The Instant report is a condensed report that acts as a quick snapshot of a campaigns performance.
Format: The instant report is displayed on screen and can be downloaded as an .xlsx or .csv.
Grains: Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign, Campaign ID, Campaign Flight, Campaign Flight ID, Campaign Flight Budget, Campaign Flight Start Date, Tactic, Tactic ID, Date
Measures: Spend, Total Cost, Impressions, Clicks, Completed Views, Viewable Impressions, Measurable Impressions, All Conversion Revenue, All Conversions, 01 - Click Conversion, 01 - Total Click + View Conversion Revenue, 01 - Total Click + View Conversions, 01 - View Through Conversion, Total Custom CPA Conversions
Metrics: Clickthrough Rate, Completion Rate (VCR), CPA, CPC, CPM, Viewability
Basic Performance Stats
The Basic Performance Stats template helps you understand the overall performance and impact of your campaign by providing a broad swath of information. The report is intended to be pivoted to digest the desired level of data.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 5/1/22
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: Campaign, Creative, Creative ID, Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign ID, Date, Tactic, Tactic ID, Ad Environment, Ad Format/Size, Channel
Measures: Spend, Impressions, Clicks, Completed Views, Viewable Impressions, Measurable Impressions, All Conversions, All Conversion Revenue, Total Click + View Conversions (Conversion Priorities 01-10), Click Conversion (Conversion Priorities 01-10), View Through Conversion (Conversion Priorities 01-10), Player 25% Complete, Player 50% Complete, Player 75% Complete, Player Starts, Bids, Cost, API Fee Cost (USD), Data Cost (USD), Fee Features Cost (USD), Media Cost (USD), Total Bid Amount (USD), DOOH Audience Impressions
Audience Insights
The Audience Insights template helps you understand the cost and impact of the data segments used to build your audience so you can better optimize.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 100 Days
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: Audience Segment, Data Type Name
Measures: Spend, Impressions, Clicks, Completed Views, Viewable Impressions, Measurable Impressions, Total Click + View Conversions (Conversion Priorities 01-10), Player 25% Complete, Player 50% Complete, Player 75% Complete, Bids
Geo Insights
The Geo Insights template helps you understand the performance of your campaign across geographies and optimize by breaking down the most common metrics for a campaign by geographic segments.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 5/1/22
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: City, Country, Metro, Region, Weather Condition
Measures: Spend, Impressions, Clicks, Completed Views, Viewable Impressions, Measurable Impressions, Total Click + View Conversions (Conversion Priorities 01-10), Player 25% Complete, Player 50% Complete, Player 75% Complete, Bids, DOOH Audience Impressions
Inventory Insights
The Inventory Insights template helps you understand the impact of your campaign across different inventory elements.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 5/1/22
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: Ads.txt Seller Type, App, Category Hierarchy, Category Name, Fold, Genre, Seller Domain, Seller Name, Site, Supply Vendor
Measures: Spend, Impressions, Clicks, Completed Views, Viewable Impressions, Measurable Impressions, Total Click + View Conversions (Conversion Priorities 01-10), Player 25% Complete, Player 50% Complete, Player 75% Complete, Bids, DOOH Audience Impressions
Technology Insights
The Technology Insights template helps you understand the impact of your campaign across different technology elements.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 5/1/22
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: Ad Environment, Browser, Carrier Name, Device Make, Device Model, Device Type, Operating System, Operating System Family
Measures: Spend, Impressions, Clicks, Completed Views, Viewable Impressions, Measurable Impressions, Total Click + View Conversions (Conversion Priorities 01-10), Player 25% Complete, Player 50% Complete, Player 75% Complete, Bids
Video and Audio Insights
The Video and Audio Insights template helps determine delivery and performance against player-specific fields.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 5/1/22
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign, Campaign ID, Tactic, Tactic ID, Creative, Creative ID, Ad Format/Size, Channel, Creative Duration In Seconds
Measures: Spend, Impressions, Clicks, Completed Views, Viewable Impressions, Measurable Impressions, Total Click + View Conversions (Conversion Priorities 01-10), Player 25% Complete, Player 50% Complete, Player 75% Complete, Player Starts, Bids, Player Close, Player Engaged Views, Player Errors, Player Expansion, Player Full Screen, Player Invitation Accept, Player Mute, Player Pause, Player Playing Event, Player Resume, Player Rewind, Player Skip, Player Total Playing Seconds. Player Unmute, Player Views, Small Player Impressions, Medium Player Impressions, Large Player Impressions, In-banner Player Impressions
Metrics: Completion Rate
Daypart Report
The Daypart template reports performance based on the user's time of day or day of week.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 100 Days
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: Date, Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign, Campaign ID, Tactic, Tactic ID, Creative, Creative ID, User Day of Week, User Hour of Day
Measures: Spend, Impressions, Clicks, All Conversion Revenue, All Conversions, Measured Impressions, Viewable Impressions, Player 25% Complete, Player 50% Complete, Player 75% Complete, Completed Views, Player Starts
Click Optimization Report
The Click Optimization Report template helps identify the items most likely to improve click-based campaigns and includes tabs for overall performance, creative performance, site and app performance, technology performance and date/time performance.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Format: .xlsx
Lookback Window: 5/1/22
Grains: Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign, Campaign ID, Tactic, Tactic ID, Creative, Creative ID, Ad Format/Size, Ad Environment, Browser, Carrier Name, Carrier ID, Device Make, Device Model, Device Type, Operating System, Operating System Family, App, Site, Date, Month, Month of Year, User Day of Week, User Hour of Day, User Hour of Week
Measures: Clicks, Impressions, Spend
Viewability Optimization Report
The Viewability Optimization Report template helps you understand and identify what could quickly improve viewability-based campaigns and includes tabs for overall performance, creative performance, site and app performance, technology performance and date/time performance.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 5/1/22
Format: .xlsx
Grains: Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign, Campaign ID, Tactic, Tactic ID, Creative, Creative ID, Ad Format/Size, Ad Environment, Browser, Carrier Name, Carrier ID, Device Make, Device Model, Device Type, Operating System, Operating System Family, App, Site, Date, Month, Month of Year, User Day of Week, User Hour of Day, User Hour of Week
Measures: Spend, Impressions, Measurable Impressions, Viewable Impressions
Conversion Optimization Report
The Conversion Optimization Report template helps you understand and identify what could quickly improve conversion-based campaigns and includes tabs for overall performance, creative performance, site and app performance, technology performance and date/time performance.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 5/1/22
Format: .xlsx
Grains: Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign, Campaign ID, Tactic, Tactic ID, Creative, Creative ID, Ad Format/Size, Ad Environment, Browser, Carrier Name, Carrier ID, Device Make, Device Model, Device Type, Operating System, Operating System Family, App, Site, Date, Month, Month of Year, User Day of Week, User Hour of Day, User Hour of Week
Measures: Spend, Impressions, Total Click + View Conversions (Priority 01-20), Click Conversion (Priority 01-20), View Through Conversion (Priority 01-20), Total Click + View Conversion Revenue (Priority 01-20), Click Conversion Revenue (Priority 01-20), View Through Conversion Revenue (Priority 01-20)
Conversion Details
The Conversion Details template provides deeper insights into your conversion and a summary of the path to conversion.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC.
Lookback Window: 100 Days
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: Advertiser ID, Order ID, Tracking Tag ID, Tracking Tag Name, Conversion ID, Conversion Time UTC, Conversion Device Type, Last Display Click Ad Environment, Last Display Click Ad Format/Size, Last Display Click Campaign ID, Last Display Click, Campaign Name, Last Display Click Creative ID, Last Display Click Creative Name, Last Display Click Device Type, Last Display Click Tactic ID, Last Display Click Tactic Name, Last Impression Ad Environment, Last Impression Ad Format/Size, Last Impression Campaign ID, Last Impression Campaign Name, Last Impression Country, Last Impression Creative ID, Last Impression Creative Name, Last Impression Device Type, Last Impression Metro Name, Last Impression Region, Last Impression Tactic ID, Last Impression Tactic Name, Monetary Value Currency
Measures: Monetary Value
Path to Conversion
The Path to Conversion template is a tool that can help you determine if certain strategies are having a positive impact on the campaign but not receiving last-touch credit.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 90 Days
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: Conversion ID, Conversion Time UTC, Conversion City, Conversion Country, Conversion Metro Name, Conversion Monetary Value, Conversion Monetary Value Currency, Conversion Referrer URL, Conversion Region, Conversion Tracking Tag ID, Conversion Tracking Tag Name, Event Ad Format/Size, Event Audience Name, Event Browser, Event Campaign ID, Event Campaign Name, Event Carrier Name, Event City, Event Country, Event Creative Name, Event Cross Device Attribution Model, Event Device Type, Event Metro Name, Event OS, Event OS Family, Event Region, Event Rendering Context, Event Site, Event Tactic Name, Event Temperature Bucket Name, Event Time UTC, Event Type, Event User Day of Week, Event User Hour of Day, Event User Hour of Week
Tracking Tag Report
The Tracking Tag Report template documents the number of fires and the referral URL of tracking tags, which is helpful in troubleshooting implementation.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 90 Days
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Date, Tracking Tag ID, Tracking Tag Name, Tracking Tag Type, Normalized Referrer URL, Monetary Value Currency
Measures: Hit Count, Revenue, Unique Users
Reach and Frequency
The Reach and Frequency template is used to report frequency and unique reach at various levels and includes tabs for Advertiser, Campaign, Tactic, and Month. Reach and frequency is not intended to be aggregated at different levels than originally supplied due to the necessary deduplication process.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 5/1/22
Format: .xlsx
Grains: Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign, Campaign ID, Tactic, Tactic ID, Month
Measures: Impressions, Frequency per Household, Frequency per Person, Frequency per Unique ID, Unique Households, Unique IDs, Unique Persons
Fee Card Report
The Fee Card Report template is intended to understand the additional fee cards applied to each campaign including the Admatx fee and client applied margins.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 100 Days
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: Date, Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign, Campaign ID, Additional Fee, Description, Additional Fee ID, Additional Fee Type, Additional Fee Value, Fee Type
Measures: Fee Card Amount (USD)
Fee Features Report
The Fee Features Report template is intended to understand the additional fees associated with each campaign including the cost associated with ad-serving fees, viewability tracking, cross device, Nielsen, weather targeting, and factual targeting.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 100 Days
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: Date, Advertiser, Advertiser ID, Campaign, Campaign ID, Creative, Creative ID, Channel, Fee Feature Name
Measures: Fee Features Cost (USD), Impressions
Potential Spend
The Potential Spend template provides insights to help you understand how much incremental budget a tactic can take on, or see how much room there is to optimize.
Timeliness: Through previous day UTC
Lookback Window: 5/1/22
Format: .tsv or .csv
Grains: Campaign, Campaign ID, Date, Tactic, Tactic ID, Potential Spend Currency Code, Spend Currency Code
Measures: Spend, Potential Impressions, Potential Spend