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DOOH Guide


Digital out of home (DOOH) is the term used for the ad environment made up of (primarily) outdoor digital ad placements. These include digital billboards and signs in a variety of locations including gas stations, airports, freeways, the sides of buildings, and so on.




An impression for DOOH is different than for other channels. Because DOOH does not serve one impression to one user on one device, the number of users who saw the ad may be estimated using an impression multiplier, often determined by the media owners.

  • Impressions are counted each time your ad is shown on the display. For the majority of DOOH experiences, all ads (when served) are fully viewable on the screen for the entirety of the play.
  • Audience Impressions are the result of impression multiplier calculations provided by our partners (SSPs/media owners send impression multipliers in the bidstream) and are commonly sourced from verification partners, such as Route and Geopath. This number represents the total number of times people passing a DOOH display are likely to have seen your ad.

Please reach out to your Admatx support team to have a DOOH report surfaced for access to audience impressions.

DOOH uses what is called Normalized Cost Per Mille (CPM). Like Audience Impressions, this metric relies on an impression multiplier to estimate the reach (and therefore the cost) of the advertisement.

Attribution and Measurement

Only view-through conversions can be attributed to DOOH and take up to 72 hours to be reported in the platform. It is likely that conversions may be highly under-attributed, as we are only able to track a sample/panel of all the users exposed to the ad.

DOOH Attribution and Measurement is currently available only within the following countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, The United Kingdom, The United States


Please reach out to your Admatx support team to have a DOOH report surfaced for access to DOOH only metrics. The following data points are applicable to DOOH. In some cases, the available reporting grains or metrics might vary by SSP.

Site: For DOOH, this is the screen ID. The only exceptions are SSPs, such as Gojek and Magnite DV+, which currently do not pass screen IDs.

Audience Impressions: The raw sum of the impression multiplier that reveals the expected duplicated reach.

Impressions: For DOOH, this is the number of auctions won, which reveals how many times your ad played back. Also referred to as "spot play" or "served impression."

Normalized Advertiser CPM: The advertiser cost per 1000 audience impressions, normalized to value at a single user level. Also referred to as the Audience CPM.

Normalized All Last Click + View Conversion Rate: The conversion rate of all pixels' total number of conversions, as calculated by (conversions/total click + audience impressions). This metric is only for DOOH campaigns.

Venue Type: You can now use the geo reports to break down the DOOH campaign metrics by venue type (OpenOOH taxonomy) to gain insights on which venues work best for your campaign. This grain is supported only for SSPs that currently pass it in the auction: Place Exchange, Vistar, Hivestack, Broadsign, DAX, Stroer Geo Insights.



Audience Targeting

You can use custom audiences (first-party and/or third-party) for DOOH ad groups within the supported regions. If using third-party segments, they must contain mobile device IDs. Contact your support team support@admatx.com to review your targeting before going live. Data for audience targeting with DOOH is charged on an impression basis, meaning one CPM per auction (and not per audience impression).

DOOH audience targeting is currently available only within the following countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, The United Kingdom, The United States

To use audience targeting with first-party data segments, your device type target must be targeting Digital Out of Home..

Venue Type

  • Venue Type targeting only works for the following DOOH SSPs: Broadsign, Digital Ad Exchange (DAX), Place Exchange, and Vistar.
  • Vistar does not support the third tier of venue targeting (the "grandchildren" taxonomy level).
  • DAX does not support the openOOH venue type taxonomy, so please contact your account manager for information on how to use the Venue Type rail to target DAX inventory.
  • While this feature is generally available, DOOH as a channel is currently in beta.

Other Targeting

The following targeting rails/optimization tiles work with DOOH:




Supply Vendor

Device Type

Publisher Placement

Time of Day

Unavailable Features

The following features are not available for DOOH:

Pre-Bid Targeting

Predictive Clearing


Player Event Retargeting


DOOH Creative

Automated creative approval is available during the individual creative upload process for for the VIOO SSP and the following publishers and regions only: US, GB, Spain, France, Germany, Singapore, Australia. If automated creative approval is not yet supported for your publisher or region, follow the manual procedure.


Automated Process:

  • In the Tracking & Declarations step of the creative wizard, select ‘Yes ’ for Access to VIOOH Inventory
  • In the menu that appears, select the publisher that corresponds to the region that you want to send your creative to for approval.
  • Complete the wizard.


Manual Process:

  • In the Tracking & Declarations step of the Add Creative wizard, leave the Access VIOOH Inventory? option set to No.
  • Email support@admatx.com and request that your creative be whitelisted.
  • Send the creative asset files and the Admatx creative ID  along with the request


DOOH Creative Specs

Important Digital Out of Home (DOOH) creatives details:

  • Creatives can be hosted display, hosted video, third-party display, or third-party video
  • To help achieve reach, consider using the D6 ad format (1080x1920), which is consistently used across all DOOH SSPs.

The following sections provide information on the specifications for various SSPs. Many specifications vary by the publisher. For more information, contact the publisher directly. Be sure to review specifications from each media owner for more specific recommendations, because they vary across different screen types.



Broadsign recommends the following specifications for billboard or street-level creatives.



File format


File size

40 KB (750 KB maximum)

Common ad dimensions by location

  • Billboards: 1400x400, 840x400
  • Transit centers, street panels: 1080x1920, 1920x1080

Broadsign recommends the following specifications for place-based creatives.



Common ad dimensions by location

  • Train stations: 1280x720
  • Airports: 720x1280
  • Doctors' office: 1366x768



Ströer recommends the following specifications.




File format

MP4 (no audio track)

Video length

5 to 30 seconds

Video frame rate

25, 29.97, or 30 frames per second (FPS)

Video encoding


Maximum bit rate

12 mbps


SSP1 recommends the following specifications



File format


Video resolution

16:9 or 9:16




Hivestack recommends the following specifications.



File format


File size

Under 10 MB

Common ad dimensions









DOOH Inventory

All DOOH inventory must be bought through SSP/publisher deals at this time.





Creative Approval

Other Details


Canada, the United States

Belgium, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom



If running video creatives, additional setup may be required to ensure smooth campaign delivery.

Digital Ad Exchange (DAX)

The United Kingdom

Automated (In bidstream - 48 hr)



Canada, Mexico, the United States

France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates

Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Thailand, Singapore

Automated (In bidstream - 48 hr)

We support Hivestack sending avails in local currencies, so adding a buffer between the base bid and the bid floor is recommended.

LMX MovingWalls

Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, UAE, South Africa, Nigeria

Automated (In bidstream - 48 hr) and Manual

The client should send the raw creative asset to support for review and approval via email as soon as they can (SLA 10 working days).

Magnite DV+

Canada, the United States

The United Kingdom

Australia, Thailand, and New Zealand


All Magnite DV+ publishers must be certified prior to live campaigns.


Creating a DOOH campaign in Admatx

Here's what you need to know about setting up and launching a DOOH campaign and tactics in Admatx:


  • Campaign Creation:
  • Objective: Brand awareness
  • Primary Channel: Out of Home
  • KPI: Reach
  • Default Targeting: Geo only


  • Tactic Creation:
  • Media Type: Out of Home
  • Device Type: Digital Out of Home
  • Audience: Everyone (recommended)
  • Publisher Placement
  • Market Type: Select Private Market Only.
  • Select Private Contract Group and search “Admatx - DOOH”


  • Select Private Contracts and search for the desired punisher placement